Advancing today’s discoveries to improve health for all.

Grant Writing Office Hours

Do you need expert advice on an aspect of a grant you are writing? You can find it at the CTSI Grant Writing Office hours. Drop in on Zoom at the appointed time, and an experienced and well-funded investigator will discuss your questions with you.

They will be  able to review with you a specific part of your grant, such as Specific Aims, a K award Career Development Plan, Significance and Innovation or your Biosketch. They can also discuss with you questions about application strategy or how to structure your application. 

NOTE: For advice on very specific aspects of your science, you should rely on your mentoring team.  Nor is this the venue for someone to read your entire grant.

To get feedback and suggestions about specific issues in your grant from an objective observer outside of your area, use the CTSI Grant Writing Office Hours.

person working at computer
May 2, 2025
9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. ET

